Hi there!
I'm a Swedish multidisciplinary creative, currently residing in the US. Quick facts:
Visual: 15+ years of work experience, both as a freelancer and with in-house projects for agencies. End clients include Sony Ericsson, Chalmers School of Technology and Göteborg & CO as well as many of the world's leading record labels. Skillset including but not limited to Motion Design (incl. music videos with several million views), Illustration, Photography and Art Direction. Comfortable working in a lot of different styles and aesthetic directions. Have had artwork displayed at the Gothenburg Museum of Art.
Audial: 15 album recordings and counting, many years spent in tour buses and three (Swedish) Grammy nominations. Proudly featured in Joel McIver's book 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists (ISBN: 1906002207).
Education: Bachelor of Arts with major in Comparative Literature, University of Gothenburg. Additional university studies include Psychology, Art history, 3D visualisation, Epistemology and various courses related to visual communication, sequential art (well, comics...) and storytelling.
Tools: The Adobe suite, Cinema 4D, Painter, Procreate and a host of traditional art supplies. Some degree of experience with most industry standard design and audio software.
Resume and samples of in-house work that can't be publicly displayed available upon request. For more info, or if you have a prospective project that might benefit from my help, feel free to get in touch!
Contact: niklassundin@gmail.com